About to reach it’s 1-year anniversary on Steam, Shattered Planet is a rogue-lite, procedurally generated, space exploration game brought to life by the efforts of the hardworking, 5-man team over at Montreal’s Kitfox Games. This planet-hopping title lets the player experience:
“… survival adventure on a dangerous world, searching for the cure for an all-devouring darkness. Punching aliens … for science! Shattered Planet is a survival-exploration role-playing game set in a futurist world. The game is an uncompromising turn-based RPG, with endlessly generated content and over two hundred differently powerful items to find.”
You take on the role of a clone sent to the the surface of planets that are being ravaged by the expanding tendrils of a poisonous darkness. Your goal, should you live to achieve it, is to explore the planet, going farther and farther in hopes of picking up awesome loot, discovering new enemies and (potential) pets to fill up data collections. This myriad of planets, enemies and collectibles mean replayable content that you’ll keep visiting in hopes of discovering further.

Shattered Planet’s literal LITE take on rogue-like gameplay is a feather in its cap. The mechanics behind exploring each planet’s surface are simple. Pointing and clicking allow you to navigate and uncover new areas, use items and attack enemies. Deaths, in true rogue fashion, return to your ship void of any scavenged items but a new clone-self is generated instantaneously, and as a plus you retain any and all skill points previously spent. The simplicity of Shattered Planet’s surface is a strength, it is welcoming without being overwhelming and allows players a chance to get acclimated before choosing to tackle tougher planets and baddies.

I would be doing Shattered Planet a disservice if I didn’t touch upon it’s crown jewel… its wit. From item names and descriptions, to clone obituaries and the dialogue spouted at you by your alien pilot/reanimator, the developers clearly made the effort to make sure that your off kilter K/D ratio is softened by the giggles you’ll get during your time playing.

Following Shattered Planet’s positive reception, Kitfox Games is busy working on their second game, Moon Hunters, that is set to be released at the beginning of 2016. Make sure to follow them on Twitter and Like them on Facebook to keep to keep up to date!
Do you have a game you want featured on a future Girls on Games Indie Spotlight Thursdays? Send an email to indiespotlight@girlsongames.ca or reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter.