Father’s Day is coming up this weekend and it’s easy to get distracted what with exams and graduations, season finales and Netflix binging. However, in all this hullabaloo we have to take time for the man that mentored and in some cases trained us to be the gamers we are today. The man who taught us how to: reach certain levels, how to hug a turn in racing games which is carried over to our real life driving, how pushing the buttons harder won’t result in us doing more damage but rather just break our controllers to which he’ll laugh and get us a new one (a better one). I think we can take one day and give back. Here are some last minute gift ideas that say “thank you”, so you don’t have to.
The gift that keeps on giving. Nothing says “I love you” like spending weekend marathon sessions grinding out your favorite seasons, episodes or cinematic masterpieces that you have shared throughout your lives. Who knows maybe if you’re lucky he’ll hand you the controller to pick what to watch next, after all, it is father’s day…anything could happen.

Remember the trip to the store you took with your dad when you went to pick up your favorite console/pc, well love is a double-edged sword. What pc junky would refuse new hardware?
– New headset? “Yes please!”
– New monitor? “Shit yeah!”
– New graphics card? “BEST-KID-EVER!”

They say the clothes make the man, so how about getting dad something from one of the many gaming influence stores right here in Montreal. Boutique Geekatorium on Saint-Denis is THE place to find something to suit his style. HMV is also a safe bet to find some interesting loot, as well as local comic book stores and gaming outlets.

Montreal Comiccon logo (via dblstallion.com)
Game On, an event running from April to September at the Montreal Science centre is an excellent way to spend a day with dad. With over 150 different games ranging all systems you’ll have your day jam packed with gaming goodness and get a chance to experience some of those ancient gaming gems you missed out on in your youth. Speaking of events Montreal Comiccon, which takes place July 3rd to the 5th is another way to get some bonding done. Sit in on panels, meet interesting people from the gaming field, just make sure to check in with us at the Girls on Games live podcast!