Transcript: Hi everyone, Leah here. I hope you have been having an excellent week. We apologize but we won’t be recording a Girls on Games podcast this week. We need to take a mental health break, but I still wanted to come and say something in light of what has been happening in the video game industry and other parts of the gaming world. 

For those that don’t know, this week, many strong individuals have come forward and exposed the rampant sexual harassment, abuse of power and sexism in the video game industry, which has in turn inspired others to come forward with their stories as well. As you know, members of this podcast work at video game companies. These victims and their abusers are friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and in cases, people who we have even had on the podcast before and given a platform. We are all shaken to the core. We are heartbroken, furious and dealing with so many other emotions that it makes it really hard to be excited about video games at the moment.

Like a few weeks ago with the Black Lives Matter movement, we want to keep the airways clear so that more important messages can make their way through. But with that, I want to thank all the incredibly strong people who have come forward and told us their stories. We hear you, we support you and we will stand beside you in calling for change. We need to do better. We need to be better. Be better to each other. Like I said in a tweet earlier in this week, this shit has got to stop. We need to call out the injustices, be them racism, sexism, discrimination of any sorts, and have zero tolerance for harassment of any kind. 

We are all in this together. To the victims, we hear you, we see you, we love you. Thank you. If anyone needs to talk, my personal DMs are open on Twitter, and I am here for you.

Thank you so much for listening to this and we will be back next week hopefully with the same  passion and excitement for video games as you have come to know from the Girls on Games team. Be well and be good to each other.

Love, Leah, Cat, Ali & Simon

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