Instagram is by far my favourite social media platform. I follow all sorts of accounts: food porn, cute animals, talented artists and photographers and of course, geeks and gamers!

When it comes to geek-related accounts, you can of course follow the official accounts of Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox and the like. However, I want to share with you great accounts I find are really enriching the geek-culture on social media.

Here are my 5 favourite geek and gaming related Instagram accounts:

Star Wars

Bring that galaxy far far away to your instagram feed. As far as official accounts go, this one is really giving the fans something that will renew their love for the Star Wars universe: great memorabilia, behind the scenes photos from the movie set and great fan cosplay. It’s a must-follow for any Star Wars fan.


Keeping with the Star Wars theme: the 501st Legion international Star Wars costuming organization’s official account is second to none. These “bad guys doing good” will get you chuckling with original and viral memes. Their other posts, well, they’ll get you *hiccough* they’ll get you right here.

Our Nerd Home

An instagram account that will feed your DIY Pinterest board. Check out these cool and do-able geek inspired DIY projects.

Insta 80s

For maximum nostalgia! This 8-bit and analog account includes many pop culture references like cult movies and old school video games.

Felicia Day

Follow the chronicles of the famous geek-girl as she travels from TV sets to convention floors. She also posts a lot of food porn. A lot.

Which account do you think I should follow? Let me know below! And if you’re looking for a 6th suggestion, follow us @girlsongames! You can also follow me (@csdesbiens) for random photos and a very low amount of selfies. #shamelessplug