In 2006, I joined a relatively modest website dedicated to gaming journalism and tech talk. There were video reviews, written articles about everything related to what I loved, and every now and then, there was the music.

I joined the forums and in 2010, met a man known only as MiracleofSound. He was recognizable by two things: his sound wave avatar, and his occasional posts of video game music videos. The difference with these music videos was that each and every one of them was recorded, performed, and edited by Miracle of Sound. He wrote his own lyrics, put together various cut scenes or trailers to make brilliant videos, and we all loved them.

Miracle of Sound, who introduced himself to us as Gavin Dunne, was eventually given an official position on the site as a contributor, and his talent has only increased since. Writing new themes such as “Gordon Freeman Saved My Life” for the half life universe and “The Halfman’s Song” for the Game of Thrones character Tyrion Lannister, Gavin built a fan base so great, they tried to petition Ubisoft for Dunne’s song to be a shanty in Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag when it was to be released.

An avid lover of hard rock and metal, Gavin has crafted each song with its own unique feel, so no two tunes ever sound remotely similar, and has even gone so far as to send out rough versions of his songs to let his fans know how the recording process is going. Dunne’s most recent song, All as One, was mentioned to have cause some issues, and yet came out sounding like the rousing anthem of a stand against a great foe it seems it was meant to be.

With his presence in twitter Gavin has connected with his fans, using his handle less to push publicity, and more to show us a bit of him. Even when Gavin revealed that a doctor’s visit had revealed a case of tinnitus, Gavin decided that he would continue to produce music, even making a live appearance at the Escapist Expo 2013.

I have watched Gavin’s Miracle of Sound project start up in 2010 and become what I can only describe as a maelstrom of hard rock and great tunes. I personally count the man as an inspiration to anyone looking to do what they love in life, and suggest you check him out on twitter at @MiracleofSound, and listen to everything he’s put out at

I guarantee, he’s written something for you. As for me? The Joker’s song will always give me chills