The countdown has begun, and there is only 5 days until the 2015 edition of the Montreal Comiccon descends upon us. Con expectations, hopes, wants and needs vary from person to person, and it’s no different for the Girls on Games.  So I decided to ask the team this one question, Party Chat-style:

What are you guys looking forward to/want to do at this year’s Montreal Comiccon?

 This got us thinking about how we want to maximize our time during the convention. Three days isn’t long and being organized is essential to being able to see/do/take in everything there is. If you want to check out this year’s official schedule, head over here. You can also grab a breakdown of the floor plan and a list of exhibitors to see exactly how the exhibition hall will be set up right here. They’ve really upped the ante on what they have to offer in terms of gaming related content, so look hard and look well; you don’t want to miss out on anything at this year’s Montreal Comiccon!


Catherine SD:

“My favourite part is always the Artist Alley. I love shopping for geeky clothes and jewelry and meeting awesome comic artists. I shuffle from table to table, gawking at all the pretty things. Every year, I come home with a few goodies from the Artist Alley.”




“This year is going to have the BIGGEST representation of video games at Montreal Comiccon. Any gamer, be them new or retro, is going to be in their glee during the whole weekend. My most anticipated moment/event/person is for sure the opportunity to meet Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario! Getting to shake the hand of the man that voices THE most iconic video game character of all time (maybe one of the most iconic characters period) is going to be amazing and knee shaking. The man has one of the best instagram accounts where he does little skits with figurines of Mario and Luigi and voices them. So awesome!




“This year I’m really looking forward to all the video games exhibit. I found it’s been lacking over the last couple years ago I hope they are bringing a lot more stuff to the table this year. I’m super excited for ESWC Canadian finals! Gonna be awesome to see the teams complete live! Hopefully will get a chance to meet some of the players. Lastly I’m just really looking forward to all the amazing cosplayers Montreal has to offer. There’s some very talented people out here!”



Alicia Alexandra:

“What I’m really looking forward to at Montreal Comiccon is the atmosphere. Sure, there’s a metric ton of things to do and see but how often do that many likeminded people together for something positive? 

Walking in to any convention is like walking in to a really, really, really big group of friends. You may not like all the same things, but you’re bound to have at least a little something in common with the person next to you, and that’s pretty awesome.”
Nick:“This year is the year I meet Kevin Smith, my first ever meet and greet will be spent with a personal hero and everything else is shadowed in comparison. However, meeting the voice of Mario and Ash is going to be an epic moment as well as meeting Neal Adams and Jae Lee. Also there will be a GoG live pod to look forward to as well as some panels that GoG will be participating in and presenting. The weekend seems too short for everything that’s going to be taking place, but its going to be a blast!”


Catherine A:

“This year’s comiccon is going to be crazy packed/busy.
Alright so, every year there’s an awesome amount of geek-related panels that are free to ticket holders (I’ll be participating in two gaming related ones). You can enjoy and participate in panels that range from QAs with your favorite actor/artist/personality to how-to panels on cosplay. There’s something for everyone and they’re always really good. They’re scattered all over the convention center so make sure you read the schedule I linked above and check the floor plans so you won’t miss out on anything!

Artist alley is another of my favorite areas. There’s a plethora of handmade goods, created some seriously talented people. And bonus, the gaming content isn’t amiss! All of my posters that litter the walls of my apartment all come from conventions. Oftentimes they’re inexpensive and completely original, so art collectors be on the lookout!

This year’s gaming section is going to be the biggest ever. No joke. Again, check the schedule/floor plan. Ubisoft will have their own area and WB Games will be there as well. But, personally, the best area is the indie alley where tons of local developers set up shop to promote their creations, and allow you to try out games that are yet on the market. On the friday, there’s an event called “Creators Night”. It starts at 9pm in room 510, and allows you to mingle with, and discover various projects from the indie games’ scene. After presentations, there will be cocktails to enjoy as you listen to a dev rave about what their doing next. You definitely shouldn’t miss it!

Oh, and if you’re from Montreal, the Montreal guild of Extra Life will have a booth in the exhibition hall. If you want to learn more on how to raise money for Opération Enfant Soleil, check them out!

What are you guys looking forward to? Sound off in the comments, on Facebook or reach us on Twitter!