The start of a new year: time for resolutions, promises to better ones self and new beginnings. Probably the most popular resolution from the population has to be to get in shape. I am sure those of you that have made the acclamation to start working out again and eating better will be fighting other resolution makers for exercise equipment at the gym. Personally, I am not a fan of the gym. Actually, I hate the place. I grew up a sports fanatic and played soccer, hockey and competed in synchronized swimming, never once stepping in a gym to get exercise. So it’s always a struggle when January rolls around; the pressure is on to get rid of all the extra pounds gained over the Holidays from the delicious food. And being a gamer, you know the struggle is real since I spend most of my days sitting in front of a computer editing video and then heading home to sit yet again on the couch playing games.
So this year, I want to do a test that will encompass both video games and exercise. Many of you know my love for the Just Dance games, and I have always been curious about their workout feature. Can you really loose weight and get fit playing Just Dance? We all know those dance routines can make you sweat. For the month of January, I vow to take the Just Dance 2016 exercise challenge. I am going to play Just Dance every day for the month as my way to get fit. And in doing so, with any trial, I will be documenting my journey, taking photos of myself and tracking my weight throughout the process.

So here it goes! I currently weigh 159.6 lbs (Eep!) and I have taken the most unflattering photo ever. I am going to do my best to cut all the crap I eat from my diet (I promise this is the last of my Mom’s shortbread cookies that I am eating). I’m turning on my Wii U and loading up Just Dance 2016. This is kind of liberating and scary all at the same time. If anyone else wants to have this journey together please feel free to join in! Let’s get fit and play games together!