It’s time for my first update! I wanted to do these weekly, but life got in the way. You know how it is. The important thing is that I am still dancing right?!

So after 2 weeks I haven’t encountered any weight loss yet, and that is ok. Reason being is that I am probably loosing weight, but muscle is taking its place so that is a good thing. What I have noticed is that my stamina is getting much better. I feel less exhausted after a dance session now than I did when I started. Yay!

When it comes to my routine, I do my best to dance between 45min – 1 hour a session. If I am running short on time, I will squeeze in 30 min. Better to do some than nothing.

I started with the Sweat & Playlists but I got tired of the same songs really quickly. Since I was not familiar with all the tracks in the game, I started making my way through the Dance Quest mode to get familiar with the songs. I am not finding it very difficult to finish all the missions in first place on the normal mode (Just Dancer). Once I am through all the quests I guess I will go back through on the harder version (Dance Master).

Here are the songs I recommend the most for building up a sweat:

And here are my favourite ones to dance to, even though they are not necessarily heavy hitters in the sweat department:

These tracks are good, but you won’t get the blood pumping:

That’s it for now! I will try and do another update sooner rather than later. Feel free to join with me in this adventure in getting fit.

Let me know your favorite songs to dance to in Just Dance 2016 (or any other edition) that make you build up a sweat!