Esports and live streaming have been growing exponentially hand in the hand in the last decade. A lot of pro players have their own very successful streams and Twitch’s top played games are usually (usually, baring Fortnite) successful esport titles. One streamer in particular has been making headlines lately, especially after playing Fortnite with canadian musician Drake. I’m of course talking about Ninja, undoubtedly Twitch’s most popular streamer. In a recent statistic by a company called Hookit, Ninja came third in social media interaction for March 2018, only being topped by Ronaldo and LeBron James. But where the debate sparked, is how Ninja was categorized in the statistic. Where as Ronaldo and LeBron were presented as sports athlete, Ninja was put in the “esports” category. Of course, Twitter being Twitter, there was a huge debate, seeing as a lot of people disagreed putting Ninja in that category. For the second time, the panel disagreed!

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