We’re going on magical adventures through the power of games on this week’s GoGCast. Ali and Cat review Lost Words: Beyond the Page, a beautiful side-scrolling adventure game featuring fun puzzles and a touching story of grief and growth. Leah went on her own adventure and got to play Animal Crossing with none other than Maisie Williams thanks to H&M. She chats sustainable fashion with Blarla, the content creator who designed Looop Isle, and Laran of Liquid Crimson.

What is Everyone Playing? (00:22:32)

This Week’s Topic: Loop Isle with H&M and Maisie Williams (00:50:11)

Outro and Wrap-up (01:09:55)

DISCLAIMER: Lost Words: Beyond the Page review code provided by Sketchbook Games. The opinions expressed in the article above have not been affected by, dictated or edited in any way by the provider. For more information please see Girls on Games’ Code of Journalistic Ethics.

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